News & Event


National Conference of Perkumpulan Pediatric Surgeon Indonesia (PERPEDSI)

By: dr. Hardian Gunardi, SpB, SubspPed(K)

On Friday, January 20, 2023, Perkumpulan Pediatric Surgeon Indonesia (PERPEDSI) held a National Conference (Musyawarah Nasional) in Soekardjo Room, 1st Floor in Tower A, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. The event was attended by pediatric surgeons from various regions in Indonesia.

This National Conference aims to discuss the organization’s Memorandum of Association, forming commissions, and making job descriptions for each commission. As an organization aiming to improve the quality of pediatric health services, especially those that require surgery in Indonesia, PERPEDSI through its memorandum of Association regulates the general provisions of the organization, the principles/characteristics of the organization, the objectives, functions and scope of the organization, as well as the rights and obligations of each member. This document also includes rules that must be followed by all members of the organization in order to achieve the greater goals of the organization.

There are 4 commissions in PERPEDI. Commission I covers education, training & organization; Commission II covers international relations; commission III covers ethical advocacy, and commission IV covers public relations, information technology and community service.

The scope of commission I includes education and training of pediatric surgeons, to continuously improve the knowledge and skills of all members. Commission II covers PERPEDSI’s relationship with other organizations abroad, in order to expand the network and to improve the quailty of our healthcare services. Commission III covers ethics and advocacy, which includes professional ethical standards and advocacy efforts to improve the protection and welfare of pediatric surgeons. Commission IV covers public relations, information technology and community service, which includes introducing PERPEDSI to public, the use of information technology to improve our network, as well as community service activities.

This event is an important momentum for PERPEDSI to evaluate and improve the management of this organization, as well as improving relationship between our members in Indonesia. Hopefully, with this National Conference, PERPEDSI can make an improvement in providing surgical servicces for Indonesian children in need.